Instructor Application

Apply below to become an instructor with the Music Teachers Network! The application process will take 20 to 30 minutes. Please be sure to leave yourself enough time to complete the application. Please have a friendly, professional profile photo ready ahead of time (max. 2MB in jpg or png format), as well as a resume (optional). You can navigate to the previous step only after you complete the required fields of the current page.

User Info

Instruments and Tutoring Subjects

Select all instruments and subjects that you can teach at an intermediate level or above

Teaching Information


Please tell us when you are available to teach new students. Simply click on the time blocks you have available for new students. A BLUE block means that you are available for that time period. A WHITE block means thats you are not available for teaching.


  • Please use a head and shoulders shot with a pleasant background
  • Please be smiling and looking into the camera
  • Please be dressed in business casual or nicer
  • Max 2MB, only jpg,jpeg,png allowed

  • Max 2MB, only pdf allowed

Relationship with MTN

Closing Questions

I release this information to the Music Teachers Network and its parent company for the purpose of helping me get new private students. This information is correct and to the best of my knowledge
